Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind


I think I must have got lucky today (life can’t all be bad luck anyway), walking in Rose-Hill I finally managed to get hold of “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind”. It’s a rather old animation (1984) by the grandmaster Hayao Miyazaki.

I’ve seen a couple of the 3D movies that Hollywood is serving us these days – Over the edge was the latest one – and I must say that I’m fed up. It’s always the same very very predictable crappy story of the guy that is uncaring/bad/… who then changes to a good guy in the end – all is well that ends well – they are so bad that you are basically praying for some jokes to come rescue the movie.

Nausicaa, like other Miyazaki movies is fresh air. It may be 2D and the quality id not so good (since it dates back to 1984) but the story is appealing, light n everything u’d wish for after eating a double cheese movie burger from MacDonald Hollywood. I won’t provide a resume here coz i don’t thinkI’ll do better than Wikipedia. So I’ll just put the link here:

2 responses to “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

  1. ah bought this anime in port-louis yesterday 🙂 3 dvds(dvd copies with bonus etc..) for Rs.100….. but only Nausicaa didn’t have bonus…(it’s not really a dvd actually…it’s just a plain movie with no chapters and dvd menu 😦 )…

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